Vision 21st Century
(An Indian Perspective)

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Management is the career for tomorrow. Sharp, intelligent and articulate young people are making a beeline for studying management. ’Laissez-Faire’- magical words for the Indian scenario will take another couple of years to arrive. Not that economy has not been liberalized; it certainly has been, it manifests itself in the form of higher growth of GDP and a phenomenal increase in foreign direct investment (FDI). Indian economy is poised at a delicate phase in the annuals of time. China, which is comparable in most of the aspect has 30 times more foreign direct investment. The future is through looking favorably to India. We have amongst the largest literate & English speaking population, as well as, cheap labour. With investor friendly policies, there is bound to increase an advent of MNC’S. There are opportunities galore waiting for the right people with right qualifications.

Professional management is the buzz word on corporate sector, implying that family held business are taking on people who are professionals. Take the case in the richest Indian – Mr. Azim Premji, Wipro his style of functioning enables the professionals to run the various business with practically no interference. Such competent managers are being sought after. We at UIM endeavor to inculcate all the quality necessary for becoming a successful manger in the corporate sector. Visiting faculty from the corporate world, projects, case studies, role play and presentation, all are aimed at producing the future manger.

In coming days the success of organisations is determined by the competence of its human force, their competence is a sum of their skills and attitude, this institute is comprehensively acting upon the competent development of the future manager.

"We endeavor in attitude building"